What's included?
Everything you need to schedule and monitor your background jobs without writing any code. Focus on your application, and we will handle the scheduling part.
Website monitoring
Get instant notification when your website is down.
Status page
List all your monitor status in a public page.
Custom domain
Add your custom domain and point to the status page.
Metric insights
Get rich analytics on critical metrics of your jobs and monitors.
How does it work?
Do you want to automate tasks but don't want to handle all the complicated job scheduling part?
Set your schedule
We support time intervals and cron expressions.
Define the target URL
It can be a webhook or any API endpoint that runs your job function.
Leave rest to us
We will send an HTTP request to your Target URL according to the schedule. It just works.

Frequently asked questions
How reliable is Downtime Tracker app?
Our monitoring servers are on GCP, and schedulers are serverless Cloud functions. I use Downtime Tracker app to schedule and monitor my jobs.
Can I use it for production?
No, this application is in alpha phase.
How about commercial use?
This application is currently running on Vercel. I have created this for personal use.
How is the data stored?
Since the application is in alpha phase, the data is being stored in a self hosted noSql database. In Beta or full release, will migrate to managed DB service providers.